Charles and Barbara Bray were both killed in an air crash in Perpignan in 1967.

 St Mary, Castle Church, Stafford, Staffordshire
(Click on an image for a larger version)

Castle Church parish church was dedicated to St Lawrence until 1898 when it was re-dedicated to St Mary. The original church was a very ancient structure in the Norman style, but it was rebuilt in 1844, in the same style.

Charles and Barbara Bray were both killed in an air crash in Perpignan in 1967.
"The Commission is of the opinion that the accident occurred following a collision with the mountainside, which resulted directly from a series of errors on the part of the crew (failure to use all the means of radio navigation available in the aircraft, error in dead reckoning, descent starting from a point which had been inadequately identified, failure to observe the safe altitudes fixed on the company's flight plan and, perhaps, mistakes in identification by visual reference to the ground.) This irrational conduct of the flight can be explained by the phenomena due to intoxication by carbon monoxide coming from a defective heating system."
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